At LIS we did a research which concluded that a lifelong love of a subject is often born in Key Stage 3 (KS3). KS3, which comprises of years 7, 8 and 9, are the years that students transition from the primary setting into option decisions for their IGCSEs. The characteristics of eagerness, inquiry and energy is very present when children come close to their teenage years. Add transitioning from a different learning environment to the next, and you start to see how important KS3 is; it truly starts to be recognized as the ‘formative’.

During this Key Stage, students are helped to manage the change from Elementary School to Secondary School. They are also introduced to subjects at a deeper and more technical level. All subjects offered at Key Stage Three are available to be selected for IGCSE. This gives them a good understanding of each subject and what they are suited to before deciding what IGCSEs to take. It also ensures that they have the skills to pick up new subjects. Our students are also encouraged to continue developing their skills as an independent learner and critical thinker, becoming more aware of the important skills needed for later education, career and life.


The curriculum of this stage emphasizes academic and personal growth. The academic coursework is integrated, sequential, and age-appropriate in skills, knowledge, and values. Academic objectives include providing a well-rounded education and training students in logical reasoning and critical thinking while generating excitement for lifelong learning.

In this stage, we still follow the Blended International Curriculum with modifications made to cater to the needs and diversity of the student population at LIS. All Year 7 to Year 9 students are expected to study the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Global Perspective, ICT, Modern Foreign Language (French or German), Art & Design, Music, Physical Education, and General Science, all taught by specialized teachers in designated classrooms and learning areas. Professional development courses are regularly organized for teachers of different subjects.

Science is taught in a well-equipped laboratory and is designed to stimulate curiosity and develop investigative skills through an enquiry approach. ICT is taught in the Computer Laboratory where each student has access to a computer. National subjects such as Arabic, Religion and Social Studies (Egyptian History & Geography) which are required by the Ministry of Education, are offered additionally to Egyptian students and others coming from any of the 22 Arab states. Arabic foreign language is also given to foreign students.

Throughout KS3, students also enjoy an interesting and hugely diverse arts and sports program. Student talent is showcased throughout the year through art exhibitions, concerts, and numerous sporting events.

Throughout KS3, students are assessed through a mixture of formative and summative assessments. Summative assessments take the form of written essays, creative writing tasks and oral presentations or quizzes at the end of each unit, as well as, end of year examinations that assesses their overall progress over the course of the year. During the year, each topic is assessed formatively (homework tasks, class participation) and summatively with an end of topic test.

A weekly homework task is set in all classroom-based subjects to complement, extend and consolidate work done in class. Marks are recorded and advice is given on how to improve. Regular formative assessments take place throughout the year, which help teachers to intervene with individuals and groups, and inform future teaching plans. Five formal summative assessments take place each year. These may be formal tests, extended projects or a significant piece of work that allows for a ‘snap shot’ view of a student’s attainment.   

LIS offers a challenging, structured, and well-rounded program. Students completing the KS3 curriculum at LIS will have a mastery of the basic concepts and core knowledge required for High School. These skills are taught in a nurturing and supportive environment.


Students from other curriculums, including the National Section, can transfer to our School at any grade level until Year 9.

Towards the end of Year 9, students are required to take the Lower Secondary exams in 3 core subjects: English, Math and Science, which are externally administered and marked outside the school. In order to progress to Year 10, each student must pass in all 3 core subjects, failure in any one means the student may need to repeat the year.

During the Options Meeting organized by the school for Year 9 students and their parents, the students must choose their options for Years 10 and 11 where they will study IGCSEs, refining their learning experience to suit their own interests and goals.


Key Stage 3 at LIS is designed for students to be independent learners. The best way to encourage and support your child at this stage is to ensure that they have all their equipment and books with them every day—including their logbook, stationery and all books needed for the day. You must encourage your child to take up co-curricular activities in school or outside, and contact your child’s Form Tutor if you have any concerns about your child’s attitude to school or progress. The Form Tutors report to the Head of Senior School and are responsible for monitoring and reporting on students’ academic progress, personal development and standards of behavior.

It is very important that your child attends LIS every day and is punctual for school as many studies show the link between high attendance and high academic achievement.

Some students may have significantly greater difficulty in accessing learning. Their learning difficulties may be addressed by short-term support or by providing strategies to progress in spite of it as well as, by provision of exam access arrangements according to the recommendations of an external specialist.


A holistic educational experience encompassing the academic and extra-curricular.
A rigorous and robust approach to Teaching and Learning.
A focus on student progress through data-driven decision making.
High expectations regarding Behavior for Learning (BfL) and Readiness for Learning (RfL).
Supportive teachers who put students and their learning at the forefront.


Support the decision making of teaching staff and senior staff at the school.
Enquire about the student's day, focusing on their positive learning experiences.
Monitor their emotional development and status.
Support your child and school with high expectations of behavior and attainment.
Support your child on the use of modern technology.
Engage in the "3 way relationship" (Parent – Student – Teacher).


Our goal is to offer an inspiring education and raise confident , multilingual , prosperous , globally-minded generations to serve and build a better world


Admission for next academic year 2024-2025 is now open from K-12


Admission for next academic year 2024-2025 is now open from K-12




Located beside Badr University (BUC), LIS offers a blended curriculum, adapted and extended to meet the needs of our Egyptian students. We have trained and qualified teachers delivering strong Curriculum Framework for our students in FS, Primary, Lower Secondary, IGCSE, and American Diploma.






Al Gamaat Road, beside BUC University, Badr City

7.30 am – 2.45 pm